31 hours and still in the dark

Well, ain't this the cat's whiskers!

My first blog entry - my first blog! Well if Geroge W. has said it's time for America to enter the solar system I guess I can say it's time for me to enter the blogging era.

This seems a good a way to keep my many friends informed about my whereabouts as I trot around the globe. This blog is in English for those of my friends, whose Finnish isn't quite there yet. But if anyone feels like commenting suomeksi, go for it!

So Wednesday morning at the ungodly time of 05.25 (the horror, the horror!!) I fly off to Istanbul - and start working my way by ground through Turkey to Syria and from there to Jordan. I will travel by a zig-zaggedy route - leaving behind me a trail of interesting places and bewildered locals.

Join me here if you dare!


Unknown said…
Yes Kati! That's modern life! See on the road then!
miam said…
Kati, good thinking.
See you here, there and everwhere!
Ana said…
Kati, the blog is a wonderful idea! And know this, you will get hooked to blogging too :-)

I have this one now in my rss. Whoa, what, I can't send a comment with my real name? OK, let's use the Blogger identity instead. You know who I am, http://miumau.wordpress.com that one :-)

Can I speard any information about the blog? Who are definite no-nos?

Have a good trip and be safe!
Kati Åberg said…
Spread the word! There are no wrong people - if someone wants to read this, they are the chosen ones!
K said…
Ja vastineviesti salaperäiselle zepalle:


t. K a.k.a. Kaisa
Ana said…
Tsihii, karhukisu... BTW Kai LOLcats on kaikille tuttu jo, onhan? http://icanhascheezburger.com/
Hupia koko rahalla!

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