Marble Gorge
My my, what a pretty place this Taroko National Park is!
Gorges tend to be gorgeous anyway, but this one has walls of marble!
Oh, what nice swirly patterns in the near vertical walls of the gorge.
And what amazingly blue water!
And what sharp teeth you have grandmother. Oh, no that was from another story.
Today has been all about hiking around in this beautiful terrain. Oh yes, there's a walk here for everyone! (And if you don't get the image, learn Finnish).
This place would be near perfect, but for Chinese tourgroups. Led by the alpha male / female of the pack (holding a trademark flag on a stick), these swarms suddenly invade a little bit of paradise you had thought was your very own.
The behaviour is not unlike flocks of starlings gathering together in flight, then separating from eachother and then meeting up again. With sterlings this flock is called a murmuration. This would be a good word to describe flocks of tour groupers, but to murmur is to speak ever so softly and low, and that is NOT the way these tourgroups work. If Ethel has gotten separated from Myrtle by a few wing spans, Myrtle will holler and screech away to the distant Ethel until they are happily joined again. So ... does that make it a holleration of tourgroupers?