Tick tock

Well the last days of my trip and of this blog (for now anyway) are running out - like sand (from the beach at Aqaba) in an hour glass.

Today I have been snorkeling in the Red Sea (a bit chilly really) and managed to see some interesting fish and some not quite pristine coral. The coral here clearly hasn't survived decades of thoughtless tourism very well unfortunately. And I think all the giant sea turtles have probably died by now by accidentally swallowing plastic bags as jellyfish - a likely death judging by the way litter is thrown around here (and in so many other beautiful countries) without a single thought for nature or general clenliness.

All in all Jordanians haven't managed to wrestle the title of friendlies nation on this trip from the Syrians, or even the Turks. However I did meet my second truly nice Jordanian today, the receptionist boy at my current hotel who FOR ONCE without any ulterior motive went snorkling with me today, showed me the best places and wasn't a hassle once! Just liked to have company for a nice day at the beach is all - mightily refreshing after Petra!

The picture is just from the beach here in Aqaba last evening. The snorkeling beaches are about 10km south of town, so on arriving here yesterday, my plan was just to nip off to the beach to see the sunset. This turned out to be unexpectedly complicated, as all the beaches here in Aqaba itself are taken by luxury hotels, which charge for the privilege of using their beach, or by cafes. Finally I managed to find a little bit of sand to watch the sun go down and reflect on the glory of life (=what I would be having for dinner) and meditate (= read the book 'I married a Beduine', which a fellow traveler in Petra gave to me after she had read it herself. We met the author herself, a New Zelander, who married a Petra Beduine in the 70's and is now selling necklaces in Petra. Oooh the opportunities that I have missed!)

Salam alekum brothers and sisters, salam alekum


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