Waıtıng for my soul to catch up
Some musıcıan frıends of mıne told of their colleague from Afrıca who hated flyıng. The reason was, that he felt that if the body moved too quickly through space, the soul couldn't keep up with it, and would get lost. It would take a long time for the soul to catch up.
Yesterday I knew how he felt. I think my soul was lost in transit somewhere. Possibly it got left behind at Riga airport, rolling around endlessly on the conveyer belt for luggage to Novozibirsk.
Therefore by the time I hit Istanbul, 9 hours of airport seats and 4 hours of airplane seats later, I was feeling a little rough around the edges. A train & tram trip from the airport to Hammamet, the heart of the old city was, was in theory, a piece of cake. However a man-sized backpack & daypack combo at peak rush hour ended up, predictably enough, in a excuse-me-sir, I-beg-your-pardon-madam, oh-was-that-your-foot-inspector scenario. Well, it's one way to make closer contact with the locals.
The end of the day, however, saw me showered and luggage-free (I admit, I checked into a proper hotel, since I couldn't find the recommended hostels. But I felt I deserved it in my souless state, and 25 euros a night ain't too bad), roaming the local attractions. I spent ample film / space on my camera card taking impressive footage of the famous Aya Sofya. Only to find out on further inspection that I had, in fact, been taking impressive footage of the Blue Mosque - Aya Sofya was right behind me and I didn't even notice. Anyway, for my money, from the outside the Blue Mosque is more impressive anyway. The photo is one of my more artistic efforts from last night.
I have decided to make this my Wednesday 19th entry and write a new one for Thursday 20th. Hey, it's my blog, I can cheat if I want to!